Shorecrest School

Ivy League Model United Nations XXXIII

Upper School News

Seventeen Shorecrest delegates spent January 26-29 in Philadelphia participating in ILMUNC (Ivy League Model United Nations) hosted by the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to the trip, delegates submitted position papers on their topics and Skyped with Shorecrest alumn, Aaron Connelly '03. Mr. Connelly, a research fellow and policy expert for the Lowy Institute for International Policy, held a Skype Q&A session with students of the Upper School Model UN Club in preparation for the conference. As a student, Aaron displayed a passion for history and politics, and he currently serves at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney, Australia, as a Research Fellow. His area of expertise is Southeast Asia politics and foreign policy. Being that sixteen of seventeen Shorecrest students were representing Singapore in various committees, Mr. Connelly insights were very helpful in their research. His geo-political knowledge of South East Asia was very helpful to MUN preparation.
Once the conference started, Shorecrest delegates debated, motioned, abstained, formed alliances and co-signed resolutions. Olivia O., who represented Singapore in the UNESCO Committee said, “Although it was my first time, I had a great time at ILMUNC! It was very interesting to work with high schoolers from all around the globe to develop working papers and resolutions that attempt to solve the problem each UN committee is presented with. Even though it was just a simulation, by the end of the week I felt as if I was actually in the UN!”

Sophomore Sophie E., who participated in her first conference, noted, “I was in the Legal Committee, where we focused on the topic of reforming peacekeeping. It was such an amazing experience to collaborate with people from all over the world to come up with a resolution for this issue.” 
This year, junior Kyle M. represented Ricardo Barros in the Brazilian Cabinet. Barros serves the Progressive Party in the Ministry of Health. On one occasion, Kyle M. was woken up at midnight by a staffer because the Colombian Olympic team was kidnapped by a rogue branch of the FARC rebel group – during the 2016 Brazil Olympics. The Brazilian cabinet had to respond to the situation. Kyle M. said the following of his experience: “Model UN this year was the best one yet. This was my first crisis committee, and I really enjoyed the smaller group and faster pacing; the students I was working with were really engaged and interested in the topic. My dais's feedback was that, as a Brazilian Cabinet minister, I wasn't ‘shady enough,’ so I'll take that into consideration next year.” 
Overall, Shorecrest delegates did an excellent job at ILMUNC XXXIII!

More photos here.

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