Shorecrest School


Upper School News

While not a new concept, collective giving or giving circles have become an increasingly popular and important form of philanthropy, where a group of individuals can combine resources to have a larger funding impact on an organization. We have seen the power of collective giving over and over again here at Shorecrest, through our community’s efforts with Relay For Life, various service projects or through our participation in the Holiday Gift Drive.

Our community has also come together to support Shorecrest’s Transform Campaign to continue to improve our campus to best serve our students.

It was that spirit of camaraderie and powerful sense of connection that brought together several Raymond James families to collectively contribute more than $1 million to the Transform Campaign.

“The families of Raymond James were proud to join together to make a substantial collective gift to Shorecrest’s Transform Campaign. Collective giving has the potential to substantially grow philanthropy and build stronger communities. Giving as a group has allowed us to achieve greater impact to something that we all value, the experience that Shorecrest provides our children,” said Jim Bunn, President of Global Equities & Investment Banking for Raymond James and Shorecrest parent.

“The common bond of all Shorecrest families is their willingness to prioritize and invest in the best possible education for their children,” shared Mike Murphy, Shorecrest’s Headmaster. “This donation and similar acts of generosity from our Shorecrest families have helped us reach an important milestone.”

The newly minted Charger Commons will serve Shorecrest students from The Experiential School to our seniors. It will feature inspirational and flexible spaces designed to support our 21st Century learners.

“The Transform Campaign will allow for exciting impacts in the future, and it’s important that we keep the momentum going,” said Michael Gillis, Director of Advancement. “We want to keep rising and we need the entire Shorecrest community to follow the example of those Raymond James families with their power of collective giving.”

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