Shorecrest School

Ten Days

Head of School Letter

During the past 10 days, students in grades 10-12 have been engaged in service learning activities all over the country. While most remained in the Tampa Bay Area, all of us had the opportunity to focus deeply on an important part of our Mission: to develop a sense of responsibility for our community.  

Our second graders have been consumed in preparation for their class production while students in every grade have been focused on wrapping up studies and explorations before taking a week off for Spring Break.

Our Experiential School teachers along with Mrs. Smay, Ms. Deegan and SAGE Dining are packing and moving into Charger Commons, our newest facility. Other teachers, our tutors and Helping Hands are making temporary moves into spaces as Phase II of Transform begins.

During the 10 days of Spring Break, many members of our community will make the final push to ensure that we achieve our vision for Phase I of Transform. Meeting the milestone of occupying the first floor will enhance the educational experiences for everyone in our community. To say the least, I am excited and a bit anxious about getting the final details completed. We know that there will be some lessons learned as we begin to use our new spaces. These are exciting times at Shorecrest.

They are also times where our ability to be flexible will be tested.

The Administrative Team and faculty have worked hard to ensure the use of the new facility is positive for everyone. We have also put a great deal of thought into how to use our collaborative energy to ensure that arrival and dismissal are safe and efficient during this next phase of construction.

As you have hopefully read in Ebytes and Heads Letters, our south driveway (Pratt Blvd.) will become a one lane entry and one lane exit. Charger Blvd, our north driveway, will become a one lane road from the the beginning of the construction area to the Lower School. You can revisit the additional details of our adjusted logistics here.

We will increase the number of adults to help guide and supervise children and drivers in these single lane areas. We are counting on our children and all drivers to follow the instructions of the faculty and staff who are charged to keep the children safe while moving traffic along. I trust that the combination of the focused work of the staff and cooperation of children and drivers, we will all do well and hardly notice the change.  

In two short months, our construction team will have made the next major transformation of our campus, which will allow for the full 1.5 acres of greenspace developed during Transform to become useful for our students and beautiful for all to see.

A great deal will happen in the coming 10 days. I hope the change of pace that Spring Break provides allows all members of our community to recharge and prepare for the important and exciting weeks being planned by faculty and staff at Shorecrest.


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