Shorecrest School

Chargers Participate in Georgetown MUN

Upper School News

On February 12, twenty-three Shorecrest delegates flew to Washington D.C. to participate in the 57th annual North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) hosted by Georgetown University. The conference lasted four days and administered forty different committees. These committees ranged from the Arab League and the African Union to historical committees, such as JFK’s 1962 EXCOMM and the 2006 Liberian Cabinet.

Before the conference commenced on Thursday evening, Shorecrest delegates spent time at various museums on the National Mall. After perusing history and art museums, Shorecrest delegates collaborated with and competed against over two thousand delegates from around the U.S. and twenty other countries. 

Shorecrest participants had the following to say about NAIMUN: 

Athena Smith ‘22 said, “Attending NAIMUN, and especially being a delegate in an environment as engaging as Kennedy's Executive Committee during the Cuban Missile Crisis, taught me valuable lessons about communication and how to reach effective, collaborative solutions. Because of the fast-paced nature of our committee, I'm glad we had such great, accommodating chairs helping us.”

Krish Patel ‘22 noted, “Model UN really put an emphasis on teamwork and collaboration with other people. I learned a lot about my topic – ‘transnational organized crime’ - from other delegates. It was a great use of my time in a productive way. Overall, the entire trip was a very fun experience for me!”

Ceci Garcia '20 said, "The NAIMUN Conference has been my favorite MUN experience so far. The committee I was a part of was incredibly engaging, allowing me to use my research skills, public speaking abilities, and creativity, all while making new friends. As an educational conference, NAIMUN allowed Georgetown students to mentor high school students throughout the weekend. This conference made me really excited to continue to participate in Model United Nations, especially crisis committees, in college!"

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