Shorecrest School

Contributing Chargers: Terry Martorana and John Procaccino

Upper School News

This week’s Contributing Chargers are Terry Martorana, John Procaccino and Lucille ‘28 — a new Middle School family that is having a great experience! They wanted to support the school that has brought so much joy into their lives and honor the hard work of Lucille’s teachers. For the holiday season their family chose to donate 15 gifts, one to thank each of Lucille’s teachers for making their first year at Shorecrest so special. 

“Every day, twice per day, we pass the Shorecrest sign near the carline exit which reminds us, ‘A quality education is the gift of a lifetime.’ We couldn’t agree more.

In a leap of faith, our family relocated to St. Petersburg in August, having never been to St. Petersburg. We are so grateful to have made the move. Shorecrest has been a very welcoming community despite the many barriers created by the pandemic. Among its many attributes, we have been so impressed by the quality of the Shorecrest teachers and staff.

Our daughter comes home happy each day with a big smile on her face. She enthusiastically tells us her day was great. For us as parents there is no greater satisfaction than knowing our child is happy and enjoys learning. Because of the excellence of the Shorecrest teachers and staff, and the valuable relationships they are forming with our daughter, she is really thriving. The gift of an education is possible at Shorecrest because of the talented people who are willing to give their best.

As a small token of our appreciation during these Covid-restricted times, we thought that gifts to the Shorecrest Fund in honor of each of our daughter’s teachers would reflect the gratitude we feel this holiday season. We want to acknowledge all of the hard work and thoughtfulness that goes into making each day at Shorecrest a valuable learning experience. Our time at Shorecrest is off to a wonderful start.”

The impact of our Contributing Chargers is felt every day. When we make a gift or volunteer our time to Shorecrest, we are really just giving back to each other. 

To support the Shorecrest Fund today click here, or email Olivia Segalman, Director of Donor Relations and Advancement Services, to share your and other Contributing Chargers’ stories.

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