Shorecrest School

What is Diversity at Shorecrest?

Upper School News

Based on last year’s community survey, which included a few questions about awareness of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, 84% of faculty/staff and 73% of parents/guardians are aware of Shorecrest’s Diversity and Inclusion Statement. One of my goals this year is to increase both of those percentages to 100%! 

The Diversity and Inclusion Statement, which was adopted in 2017 and reaffirmed by the Board of Trustees in 2020 is: 

Shorecrest Preparatory School’s Board, administration, faculty, staff and school community are committed to the process of creating and sustaining an equitable and just community. At Shorecrest, all individuals are compelled to engage in the process of creating an environment where Shorecrest feels like home to all. The School embraces the wide variety of cultures, religions, languages, backgrounds, identities and perspectives that encompass the richness of humanity. Moved by our guiding Core Values, Shorecrest is a place where complex individual and group differences are met with respect and compassion. The Shorecrest community believes that our diverse culture enhances the school’s environment and prepares our students to become the next generation of global leaders.

The word “diversity” can mean different things to different people, particularly in different environments and contexts. At Shorecrest, though, diversity takes on its true and simple meaning - all of the unique qualities (shared or individual) of our community members. These gifts are shared with each other in meaningful ways and used to strengthen the bonds of our students, parents, faculty and staff.

As a school, we strive to be welcoming to everyone; the diversity of our community members is what helps make that happen. In a world where differences can be polarizing, I find it refreshing to be a part of a community where being a Charger means that you are a part of a family with 1000+ children and we are all striving to “prepare our students to become the next generation of global leaders.”

By our Shorecrest definition, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is for everyone. There are times when students may be celebrated for their differences, and other times when they may need support because of them. Part of my work, and the work of our Division-level Diversity Coordinators is to work with students directly, but also to give our faculty and staff the tools they need to serve our students in an increasingly diverse and complex world.

My door is always open to parents/guardians, faculty, staff, students and alumni. Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] if you would like to discuss our DEI initiatives at Shorecrest, an idea, a problem, a celebration, etc. Connecting with our community members individually is one of the best parts of my job! 

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