Shorecrest School

2022 FCIS Convention

Head of School Letter

The Florida Council of Independent School (FCIS) held its annual convention this week in Jacksonville with the theme of Being Well While Doing Good. As the pace of school life and professional demands increase, there is tremendous value in educators taking time for professional development. In addition, participation in the Convention was an outstanding opportunity for faculty members and administrators to share their expertise and passion for education. A number of Shorecrest educators were presenters. Their sessions provided the opportunity for Shorecrest speakers to showcase their innovative ideas and network with other FCIS educators while promoting Shorecrest as a leader in independent school education.  
With over 100 FCIS member schools registered, the FCIS Convention attracted over 1800 attendees with approximately 100 exhibitor representatives from over 50 different companies. There were numerous topic tracks with sessions geared towards administrators who hold different roles and faculty members who teach a variety of ages and subject matters. Some topics cut across discipline and divisions, appealing to all. Four sessions were led by Shorecrest educators, with descriptions below.  
Being There for Stressed and Anxious Kids
Speaker: Kate Fierce, Lower & Middle School Counselor
The past couple of years of added stress and burden have taken a toll on everyone. Children and teenagers are reporting levels of stress, anxiety, and depression at rates never seen before. How can a teacher in today's educational climate reach and teach students in their classroom who are living through mental health challenges, emotional distress, pandemic restrictions, social and political unrest, and so on? How can educators prepare to teach and students be ready to learn in these trying times? This session will give participants strategies to support their own well-being while also supporting the needs of their students. Participants will be taken into a classroom in which a teacher is talking about mental health with his class and will look at data collected from students that gauges their social and emotional wellbeing.
Beyond Anatomy Class: Medical Science 2.0
Speaker: Lisa Peck, Director of the Center for Medical Science
Teaching high school students medical science opens up a world of opportunities for them in college beyond the traditional pre-med track. We have found passionate community members who are eager to share their expertise in the classroom and at their workplaces. In this session, we will explore how disciplines such as engineering, artificial intelligence, and business are connected to many healthcare fields. Participants will learn how to develop relationships with healthcare professionals, including those from non-traditional fields such as hospital administration, entrepreneurs, and medical and STEAM research; to create an experiential medical science program, including students teaching students; and to create a STEAM certificate program specializing in medical engineering.
Motivation for Learning Matters
Speakers: Kim Granger, Second Grade Teacher; Dr. Lisa Bianco, Head of Lower School 
Teachers at every grade level want to help their students become engaged, motivated, and happy learners. The purpose of the presentation is to share research that examines core variables that support and ignite student motivation, highlighting the importance of agency and voice in the classroom. Teacher, Kim Granger, will share her current research on students' motivation to learn and the implications for the classroom. Division Head, Dr. Lisa Bianco, will share an aspect of her research on democratic schooling practices that give voice to what young students identify as important and choice in how they pursue their own learning in the classroom environment. Teachers attending this presentation will have the opportunity to examine their own philosophy, experiences, questions, and practices based on the research shared by the two presenters. Teachers will walk away with researched approaches on how to create a classroom that values student voice and choice and ignites learners in a way that leaves them intrinsically motivated. Teachers will leave feeling inspired and motivated!
How We Got Here and What It's Like: Paths to Leadership
Speakers: Nancy Spencer, Head, Shorecrest Preparatory School; Steve Salvo, Head, St. Mary's Episcopal Day School
A conversation for administrators who are considering becoming a head of school. Come connect with other prospective heads and hear two different heads talk about their experience and perspectives. Q & A will follow.
As educators, we are constantly learning and growing so that we can better serve our students and families. Professional development is one way to model being a lifelong learner. The FCIS Annual Convention has been a wonderful way to refresh and connect with other independent school educators across the state.  We are proud to be able to promote Shorecrest through these professional development opportunities and appreciate the recognition that they bring to our faculty and our school.

All the best,

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