Shorecrest School

Spa Beach Field Experience

Experiential School News

We're so lucky to be in St. Petersburg, Florida! This week, it was off to Spa Beach for the Junior Kindergarten classes to do on-site fieldwork for their ocean projects. With the assistance of doctoral and graduate students from the College of Marine Science at USF, the children collected specimens using a seine net. The students also became quite adept at finding more sea life by searching through the seaweed along the shore and wading in the water.

It was interesting that at the same beach, each class found different types of sea life on each visit. Of course, all of the creatures - which included crabs, a flounder, jellyfish, a sea hare, a tiny sea horse and more - were safely released after observation and gentle examination. After a picnic lunch, it was back to school to document their adventures.

Read more about our week on Betty's Blog.

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