Shorecrest School

Holiday Gift Drive - Last Week!

Upper School News

Thank you to all who have already donated to the SCA Holiday Gift Drive. It’s the last weekend to shop before the Gift Drive Delivery Day next Friday, December 8. No time to shop? Donate on line at

We are giving 250 children in the foster care system a holiday to remember! Unfortunately, we are still in need of warm clothes, uniforms, bicycles and tablets for many children. Anything you can do is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your generosity and if you have time or want to volunteer, stop by the Crisp Gym next Friday morning to be in awe of the Shorecrest Community.
FAQs about the Holiday Gift Drive:
What is the Shorecrest Holiday Gift Drive?
An opportunity for the Shorecrest Community as a whole to come together and provide for children in the foster care system. We partner with the Guardian ad Litem Foundation in this project. Over 2,000 children in Pinellas and Pasco Counties have been removed from their homes and are living under court supervision due to abuse or neglect.
What is the Guardian ad Litem Foundation?
MISSION:To provide advocacy and support for abused, abandoned or neglected children in the Guardian ad Litem Program of Pinellas and Pasco Counties.
VISION: We envision a world where every child has a safe and permanent home and the opportunity to thrive.
How Does It Work?
Shorecrest has agreed again this year to purchase holiday gifts for 250 children in the system. SCA will receive a master list of children in need and the items they want that will be divided amongst classrooms or grade levels. You will be invited to participate by purchasing items off a Sign Up Genius or donating money online so SCA can purchase items for the children.
What will the lists from the children be like?
Probably very similar to lists from SPS children in the same age groups, with the addition of necessities such as warm clothes, underwear, etc. For some of these children, this is the only time someone will shop for them all year. Children are asked to list 3 needs and 3 wants to help all of us get what the child really needs (new coat, shoes, laptop for school) and something they’d like (Hot Wheels, Barbies.)
How can I help?
There are many ways to participate in the Gift Drive.
  • Volunteer to be a classroom liaison: coordinate with your class, put lists out to them, remind them to bring in gifts
  • Donate money online and let us shop for you
  • Day-of gift organization: it is amazing to walk into the Crisp Gym and see the generosity of the Shorecrest Community on the pick-up day!
  • Volunteer on pick-up day to wrap gifts, assemble toys or run to the store for last minute additions.
  • Volunteer to purchase for a specific child or family of children yourself.
  • E-mail us at [email protected] with questions or to volunteer in any way. 
Learn more in this Bay News 9 story about the SPS Holiday Gift Drive.

Thank you for your support of this worthwhile project!  
Kim Craig and Kristen Danielson

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