Shorecrest School

Upper School Announcements

Upper School News

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, October 16: SCA session on "Design Thinking in Lower School," 8:15–9:45am in the JRT Lobby.

Thursday, October 18: Get to know Girls Basketball at 6:30pm in the Crisp Gym. Pizza will be served.

Friday, October 19: Shorecrest Mom's Night Out Luau Party! Learn more here:

Wednesday, October 24: PSAT for sophomores and juniors
Friday, October 26: Girls Basketball media day

Thursday, November 8: Fall Conference Day - No School for all school; SCA Uniform Sale

A SCA Used Uniform Sale will be on November 8 (on Fall Conference Day) from 7:30am-2pm in the lobby of the Janet Root Theatre. SCA is collecting any used uniforms you may like to donate. Please drop the uniforms off in the Experiential School office, the Lower School office or the Middle School office. Please contact Merilee Abinales at [email protected] if you would like to volunteer on set-up day, November 7th at 12:30pm or during the sale. 

If your Upper School daughter is interested in basketball, this is a great year to join the team! The Shorecrest Chargers Girls Basketball season begins on October 29. The team wants your help in building a new program. The Chargers will have at least one Middle School team, with the possibility of two teams based on need. There will also be a Varsity team. A mandatory meeting (and pizza night!) for all interested girls and their parents will be held on October 18 at 6:30pm in the Crisp Gym. More info:

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