Shorecrest School

GSI Attends Lecture with Ambassador Wayne

Upper School News

Upper School students who participate in Shorecrest’s Global Scholars Initiative attended a lecture by Ambassador Earl Anthony Wayne on Thursday, December 6. The Tampa Bay Council on Foreign Relations remarks were titled, “Building Partnership with Mexico.” Ambassador Wayne provided his analysis on a series of issues important to U.S. – Mexican relations.

Ambassador Wayne’s positions include the following: U.S. Ambassador to Mexico (2011-2015) and Argentina (2006-2009); Deputy Ambassador in Afghanistan; Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs; and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe.

Ambassador Wayne noted some key points in our cross-border relations:

  • The U.S. trades over $1 million per minute with Mexico
  • Each day there are over 1 million legal border crossings
  • Mexico is the 2nd largest U.S. trade export market
  • Some 5 million U.S. jobs depend on trade and investment ties with Mexico, compared to an estimated 700,000 jobs in 1993

Ambassador Wayne also addressed challenges involving immigration and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (NAFTA 2.0).

Julia Craig ‘21 said, "I enjoyed listening to Ambassador Wayne's remarks about the issues regarding the relationship between Mexico and the United States. At the dinner I was also able to speak with law professors, a CPA, a nurse, and a college student studying international relations, which made our conversations very interesting and informative."



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