Shorecrest School

Dr. Hank Hine: Art and Water

Upper School News

Dr. Hank Hine, the Director of the Salvador Dali Museum, addressed Upper School students during Celebrate the Arts Week in a Willis Leadership Lecture. The series this year is on the topic of water, and Hine connected art and water.

St. Petersburg's Dali Museum showcases the most comprehensive collection of Dali’s work outside of Spain, and is the only 3-star Michelin rated museum in the Southeast. Under Dr. Hine’s direction, exhibits such as last year’s Dali / Duchamp, and this year’s Magritte & Dali demonstrate the avant-garde and innovation in both the art and education available at the outstanding downtown museum.

Dr. Hine earned his undergraduate degree at Stanford University and his master’s and doctorate at Brown University, and he has served as an adjunct professor at Stanford and the University of South Florida. As the director of a world-famous museum, and as a person with endless curiosity, Dr. Hine’s interests involve contemporary art and literature, frontiers of the imagination, and the power of new media combined with the arts.

"I have the good fortune to know Dr. Hine as a neighbor and friend," said Walker Willis '19 when introducing Hine to the Upper School student body. "My family has travelled with him in Spain and Japan, and he has introduced me to the power and playfulness in Dali’s surrealist art and the originality Dali shared with other artists of the 20th century. We are honored to have him at Shorecrest."

While on campus, Dr. Hine took time to judge the Upper School student art that was recently displayed in the Jant Root Theatre lobby and in the Student Activity Center. Art Awards will be in Ebytes tomorrow.

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