Head of School Letter: The Shorecrest Educational Journey
As another school year kicks off, I am reminded that each student’s Shorecrest journey is as unique as they are. There are a variety of experiences and a myriad of pathways that each student encounters throughout their years at Shorecrest. Children learn and grow from interacting with so many different teachers, coaches, advisors, friends and classmates. Yet there are common milestones and traditions which unite our students’ experiences as Chargers.
Our youngest students have the longest runway. Alpha students start their journey in The Experiential School after having been on this earth for only three years. At morning carline with their green backpacks seemingly taking up ¾ of their bodies, you see our littles trustingly hold out their hands to a fourth grade Patrol, who gently walks their charge to their ES classroom. It is the first milestone, as you see their confidence grow daily, as students master this morning routine and discover the joy of friendship and connection.
In Lower School the journey’s focus is to enhance our students’ love of learning. Developing the foundational skills of curiosity and resourcefulness enables students to develop critical thinking skills and promotes exploration, collaborative learning and the ability to address real-world problems. Students present their inquiry projects with pride as each class has its own thematic project shares woven into the curriculum. And weekly Lower School Town Meetings are a treasured tradition, providing an opportunity for students to develop their public speaking skills and share what they are learning with the community.
The journey through Middle School includes discovering new strengths and developing new skills, both academic and social. Students have more autonomy to pick their own electives and clubs and explore new opportunities. Whether it be trying a new sport or musical instrument, participating in forensics, robotics, student council or a musical theater production, just to name a few, Middle Schoolers have the chance to veer off one path and explore something that may be of interest to them. We want these young adolescents to take risks in a safe environment. With support and guidance, Middle Schoolers discover how truly capable they are, a crucial milestone on their journey.
In Upper School the journey and the destination begin to align more closely. As a college preparatory school our job is to prepare Shorecrest students not only to gain admittance to their chosen colleges, but also to prepare them to thrive once they are there: both inside and outside of the classroom. Within the Upper School journey students learn how to advocate for themselves, how to work with others, overcome obstacles and solve problems. Most importantly, Shorecrest Upper Schoolers gain the confidence to excel in whatever new challenges they will encounter in college and beyond.
As we embark on this new school year, I encourage your family to embrace the educational journey at Shorecrest, cherishing every day, while also looking forward to the final destination of graduation and success in college.
All the best,