Shorecrest School

TLC Announces ADHD Info Group, Lunch & Learns *updated*

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Dr. Kelli Cross of 5th Avenue Pediatrics will once again be hosting our ADD Parent Info group sessions in the Shorecrest Library. Dates and topics are as follows:
  • ​Wed., Oct 7, 6-7pm: School & ADD
  • Wed., Nov 11, 6-7pm: J Booker Guest Speaker on ADHD and Anxiety
  • Wed., Dec 2, 6-7pm: Dr. Tiffany Chenneville Guest Speaker on ADHD and Educational Testing 
  • Wed., Jan 27, 6-7pm: Learning Differences and ADHD
  • Wed., Feb 17, 6-7pm: Transitioning from Middle School to Upper School
TLC will be hosting a few Lunch and Learn sessions this year. Bring your lunch; coffee, drinks and dessert will be provided.
  • Oct 5, 12-1pm in the SAC: Taming the Homework Monster, led by Tracie Belt
  • Nov 5, 12-1pm in the SAC: Film Screening and discussion, "The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia". Watch personal and uplifting accounts of the dyslexic experience from children, experts and iconic leaders, such as Sir Richard Branson and financier Charles Schwab. The film clears up misconceptions and paints a picture of hope for all who struggle with dyslexia.
  • Dec 8, 12-1pm in the SAC: Come 'make' with us in this Make to Learn! Makerspace: Creativity and Innovation in the Lower School​

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