Shorecrest School

Alumni Spotlight: Heidi Feinman-Klauber '82

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Alumni Spotlights share the stories of Chargers in all phases of their careers and lives after Shorecrest. Our latest article spotlights Heidi Feinman-Klauber '82.

Heidi gave us an update on her life since Shorecrest: 

“I graduated from University of Florida in 1986 with a B.S. in Accounting. I worked for a year at Coopers Lybrand (kna Pricewaterhouse Coopers) in Ft. Myers, FL. I returned to University of Florida for law school and graduated in 1990. I moved to Atlanta and worked in private practice for a year before beginning my career with the Department of Justice, Office of United States Trustee, where I am now the Assistant United States Trustee for the Southern District of Florida in Miami, FL."

The United States Trustee Program is responsible for overseeing the administration of bankruptcy cases across the United States. The Program is a litigation component within the Department of Justice. As Assistant United States Trustee, she is one of fewer than 90 people who oversee offices nationwide. 

“I am most proud of my current role as Assistant United States Trustee as well as the fact that I was a finalist for a federal bankruptcy judge position several times. The confidence and support of others in my abilities to do the job that I do is humbling.”

"I have also been very involved in synagogue matters," she adds. "I have served on the Executive Board of my synagogue for many years." 

On the topic of her own educational background she says, “I learned best practices for studying from my years at Shorecrest. Shorecrest was a huge part of my past and has led me to the goals I have achieved. The school allowed me to take risks such as finishing all of the math classes offered by 10th grade and then taking community college courses. The English department (Mrs. Russell in particular) pushed me to become a better writer over the years as well as an avid reader. Most importantly, I think the school was a guiding force in showing my children all of the ways they can achieve success in their education, if they work hard and remain focused. I am very proud to have graduated from Shorecrest and believe it is an excellent college prep school.”

Heidi was married in 1994 in Atlanta, and moved to South Florida in 1998. She and her husband have two sons. Her eldest graduated college from Columbia University in 2019, graduated from Harvard School of Divinity with a Masters in Theological Studies in 2021, and is currently attending Duke University Law School where he will graduate in 2024. Her younger son graduated from University of Rochester in 2021 and Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in 2023 with a Masters Degree. He is currently employed with a not for profit geospatial intelligence defense entity.

“When my youngest son and I were visiting colleges we met a high school student from Shorecrest and his mother. Despite the fact I did not live in St. Petersburg anymore, it was like meeting an old friend. Shorecrest was the common denominator.”

When asked about her favorite Shorecrest memory Heidi recalls, “The wonderful friends I made who are still friends today even across time and distance.”

Heidi would tell her high-school-self, “Take risks and don't be afraid to fail. Work hard but make good memories.” She would tell current students, “Where you think you want to end up may not be the best place for you. Do something you really love and remember that you can learn both as a passion and as a profession. And remember your friends and teachers. They will be with you as you go through life. Take risks and don't be afraid to fail. Work hard but make good memories.”


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