Shorecrest School

US Robotics Moves on to Regionals

Upper School News

Shorecrest Chargers Julian Pollack ‘24, Josef Broz ‘23, Jackson McDevitt ‘23, Danny Drysdale ‘22 and Dylan Winer ‘23 have worked long hours this year to create a robot (currently named Gús) as part of the VEX Robotics team #6104A. Gús is the 5th iteration of their robot.  

On February 5 they traveled to Fort Myers to participate in a tournament with 25 other teams. The Chargers placed 8th overall. From the 25 teams, 3 teams were selected for awards. Shorecrest Vex team #6104A won the Design Award, which is presented to a team that demonstrates an organized and professional approach to the design process, project and time management, and team organization. The team’s Engineering Notebook and Judges interview demonstrated the team’s ability to produce a quality, effective and efficient robot with minimal adult assistance.  

This award qualifies them for the Regional Championship next month!

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