Shorecrest School

Chargers in MLK Parade, Jan 16 - New Details

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Once again the Shorecrest community will participate in St. Petersburg's Dream Big Parade (formerly the MLK Drum Major for Justice Parade.) The parade will be held on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Monday, January 16. Every member of the community is encouraged to march with us as the parade weaves through downtown St. Petersburg.

  • A Shorecrest bus will depart from school to the staging area at 9:45am
  • Mr. Davis will check in the Shorecrest group at 10amPlan on arriving downtown between 10:15-10:45 if you would like to walk in the parade. The gathering point for walkers is Pioneer Park, the corner of Central Ave and Bayshore.
  • The parade begins at 11am and will involve walking for approximately 2 miles (including the parade route and the staging area). Chargers will march all the way to the Trop, handing out oodles of candy to folks along the parade route. 

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