Shorecrest School

Seventh Grader Nicolas H. Third in State Geo Bee

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Shorecrest seventh grader Nicolas H. recently competed in the 2019 National Geographic GeoBee Florida State Competition. School GeoBees were held with fourth - eighth grade students to determine a school champion. Nicolas won the Shorecrest Bee for the fourth year in a row! School champions then took an online qualifying test. The National Geographic Society then invited Nicolas to compete in the State GeoBee.

After deliberating in the preliminaries, Nicolas advanced to the finals in the top 10, and finished as third in the state! It was an exciting nail biter, as it was down to the top three in the state, including the two former state champs.

Since going to States in fourth grade, Nicolas has been in the top 20 every year, with 7/8 answers correct, and this year answered all questions correctly. 
He received a gift certificate and book from the Florida State Geographic Alliance.

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