Shorecrest School

Meet E. J. Mahoney, Shorecrest's new Grandparent Council Chair

SCA News Grandparent Council

Shorecrest's Grandparent Council encourages grandparents to get involved at Shorecrest and get to know each other. This year's Executive Committee of Grandparent Council Chair is E. J. Mahoney.

E. J. is a life-long educator who has worked with students from kindergarten through the doctoral level. Education has been her life for 44 years and she has been impressed with the quality of education that Catalina '35, her oldest granddaughter, received in The Experiential School's Alpha program. E. J. enjoys fostering a love of learning in her grandchildren. She and her husband, Ed, believe that their grandchildren are their world, and it just seems natural to become involved in their education. They were delighted to see that Shorecrest embraces a Grandparent Council!

Ed and E. J. raised their daughter, Meghan, in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.  Meghan graduated from Eckerd College and received her MBA from USF. (Interesting to note:  Ed and E. J. were Chairs of the Parent Council at Eckerd College.) Meghan, along with her husband Jacob Coyle, decided St. Petersburg would become their home. They have three daughters; Catalina is four and just started her second year at Shorecrest. Saylor and Krue are identical twins and will be two in December. Not wanting to miss a moment of grandparenting, Ed and E. J. moved to St. Petersburg.

Ed and E. J. have been recreational sailors for 42 years. They completed the Great Loop (366 days and 7 hours) around the Eastern half of the United States in 2015. One of their highlights was docking in Tierra Verde and being close to Meghan and Jake for several months. That sealed the deal as far as moving to St. Pete! The entire Coyle family of five and the Mahoneys share a love of boating. In fact, Ed and E. J. live and travel on their sailboat in the summer which is based in Rocky River, Ohio, on Lake Erie.

E. J.’s goal is to increase attendance and participation in Grandparent Council and build relationships to provide Shorecrest with a strong and active Grandparent Council. She invites collaboration with Shorecrest Grandparents, educators, and families and is looking forward to supporting people and programs at Shorecrest this year.

She can be reached at [email protected] or 216-401-6589.

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