Shorecrest School

Making Meaning of our World

Experiential School News

In The Experiential School we understand that the formal act of reading cannot happen if readers are not deeply connected to the world in which they exist.

When the formal process begins (later on) and a student is learning to read, they need to be able to connect the words on the paper back to their own experiences. Children hold schema and meaning based on the experiences they have lived.

At Shorecrest we curate a world of experiences that will be integral parts of the meaningful connections that are happening now, and which will generate new connections in the near future and beyond.

Children decode a world composed of elements near and far, small and big, known and unknown. The littles adjust their “learning lenses” to adapt to this big adventure of meaning-making. 

Flickr album: ES Exploring Sept. 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

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