Shorecrest School

Celebrate the Arts Week 2024

Arts Experiential School News

During Celebrate the Arts Week, Shorecrest not only applauds artistic talent; the community also celebrates the power of self-expression and the development of each child's unique voice. Through play, investigation, creative expression and exploration, students not only understand concepts better but also develop a deeper connection with their learning.

This week students in Alpha, JK and Kindergarten were treated to a puppet show performed by ES faculty. The original tale "The Grumpy Chicken and the Singing Dog," written by Adriana Hollenbeck, Head of The Experiential School, included rhyme, songs, dialogue and lots of fun confetti! The story highlighted the importance of understanding different perspectives, having an open mind, and the joys of togetherness. The children heard references to songs they had learned at Shorecrest and laughed when the silly chicken sneezed! This was the fifth show starring hand-carved wooden puppets that Adriana Hollenbeck lovingly created. 

Celebrate the Arts week opened in The Experiential School with Upper School Art Teacher Casey McDonough leading a wire provocation. He showed the students different tools and techniques used to make art from wire, and they all got to touch different types of wire. 

ES students also had performances from Lower School Teaching Assistant Victoria Rose Super on piano, the Middle School Band, and Middle School Jr. Thespians. ES students who are in the after school dance club performed for their peers with Jessica Taylor and Laurel Parrish.

Giving Tree Music came to campus and led drum circles for each grade in Experiential and Lower School. 

ES Arts Photos

LS Drumming Photos

Other Lower School arts opportunities this week included a second grade trip to The Dunedin Fine Art Center and a fourth grade architectural tour. Kindergarten has a trip to the Mahaffey Theater coming soon. And of course all Lower School grades took part in Poetry in the Park on Friday.

Jeanne Simons’ first grade class created coral sculptures from clay under the guidance of Upper School Art Teacher Casey McDonough in the 3D/ceramics studio in the Upper School. 

Coral Sculpture Photos

“It was extra special,” Ms. Simons explained, “because Casey is not only an Upper School teacher who we frequently see in the ES garden, but he also has a background in marine biology from Eckerd and was able to teach us a little about coral and the ocean as we worked with the clay!”

In addition to performing in ES, MS students also performed for each other on the MS quad this week. They enjoyed a guest artist - actor, dancer, and musician Hannah Laird. The Drama Desk Award winner originated roles in “Finding Nemo the Musical” and Harry Connick Jr.’s “The Happy Elf.” She has been a back-up singer for Josh Groban, Sarah Brightman, Jennifer Hudson, and Kristin Chenoweth, and her voice can be heard globally in theme parks, on cruise ships, websites, and music videos. At Shorecrest she performed songs and answered student questions. 

Art on display around campus includes Lower School pieces in the LS Breezeway, LS office, and Raymund Center LS Gallery. Second grade and fourth grade animation videos are on monitors in the LS hallway and Raymund Center LS Gallery. Middle School and Upper School fine art is displayed in the Janet Root Theatre Lobby and around the Raymund Center. 

Upper School Fine Art

The Raymund Center also hosted a MS/US Book Fair, offering a treasure trove of literary masterpieces, engaging novels, and more for the community to explore and enjoy. Congratulations to the Book Fair drawing winners!

The community can get involved during Celebrate the Arts too! Enjoy performances of the funny and romantic spring musical “The Drowsy Chaperone” starring students in 8th-12th grades April 18-20!

And on April 25 students from LS, MS and US will perform in the Spring Music Concert.


#Arts #UpperSchool #MiddleSchool #LowerSchool #ExperientialSchool  #ShorecrestSTEAM


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