Shorecrest School

Mrs. Hollenbeck visits World Festival of Puppet Theaters

Experiential School News Faculty Spotlight

Last week Adriana Hollenbeck, Head of The Experiential School, participated in the Festival Mondial des Théatres de Marionnettes (World Festival of Puppet Theaters) in Charleville-Mézières, France -- the largest puppet theatre festival in the world. Adriana connected with puppet artists and educators from all parts of the world with the intention of learning more about the art of puppetry and investigating new ways to incorporate this medium to the 100 Languages of The Experiential School. 

There’s a natural attraction to the elements of puppetry that seem to take a puppet as an object to a level higher than what a child would attribute to a toy. When observing children in Charleville, the magic of storytelling was evident, even in plays with absolutely no dialogue. Wonder and joy filled the spaces, whether they were theatres, improvised venues or a gathering around a street performer. We hope to continue nurturing this artform in Alpha and JK.

Read about a recent JK puppet journey

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