Shorecrest School

Head of School Letter: Community Time

Head of School Letter

We often talk about how important a sense of community is at Shorecrest. We intentionally create time in our busy school schedule to build a strong sense of community. Our goal is for every member of the school family to feel included, so that each person can say that “Shorecrest feels like home” for them.

Each morning in the Experiential and Lower Schools starts with the class coming together to greet each other and share. In the Middle and Upper Schools, there are multiple small group advisory times each week and regular larger group gatherings for the entire school division. The purpose of these moments is to build relationships. A strong community consists of connections and taking the time for individuals to get to know each other. Every class and activity that a student experiences at Shorecrest is a chance for them to get to know others. Our students build skills when they learn about others’ experiences and perspectives. They also build friendships and lifelong connections which will sustain them through difficult moments, as well as nurture them during happy times. 

Being a part of Shorecrest also provides a chance for the adults in the community to develop relationships. A strong community is built when people come together and coalesce around things that are important to them. Community building occurs whenever Shorecrest parents bond over activities and issues. Time spent together creates strong connections, whether it is cheering on the Chargers at athletic events, coming to performances of the Middle School musical "Beauty and the Beast, Jr.," spending time in the classroom for a project share, being a mystery or Global Reader or participating in the Lower School Town Meeting. Community is built through volunteering at Helping Hands or working at this week’s Book Fair. Family events such as Movie Night, Fall Festival, the Shore to Shorecrest 5K create memories which enrich the sense of the Shorecrest community. Adult gatherings provide chances to get to know other parents or deepen the connections with others at the SCA Soiree, Moms & Dads nights out and grade level coffees. There are so many opportunities for everyone to be a part of the Shorecrest community. 

Tomorrow, we continue the celebration of Shorecrest’s 100th anniversary with Centennial Celebration Day - our official, community event commemorating the centennial on campus with current and past families, faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends. This family-friendly, all-community celebration will feature lunch, games and fun events for all ages. It is a complimentary event, open to all. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to be together and celebrate the Shorecrest community, both past and present, and look forward to the future community that we are in the process of making. 

Finally, in the midst of our Centennial Celebration, we pause tomorrow on November 11, to recognize America’s veterans. We honor the many men and women who have devoted their lives in service on behalf of our country. This morning, the Upper School Red, White & Blue Club continued their Veteran’s Day Assembly tradition. Students invite a guest speaker from a branch of the armed forces who talks about their experience in the military and what Veterans Day means to them. It is a powerful experience and reminds all of us about the values of commitment, dedication and the importance of service to one’s community. 

I hope to see many of you tomorrow at Shorecrest’s Centennial Community Day as we celebrate together. 

All the best, 



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