Shorecrest School

Head of School Letter: Anticipation

Head of School Letter

We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway

- Carly Simon

For those of us old enough to remember the song or the ketchup commercial, singer/songwriter/poet Carly Simon neatly summarizes a feeling that seems to be appropriate for this time of year. At Shorecrest there is a sense of anticipation in the air right now, both in our daily lives on campus and for the School as a whole, as we head towards the holiday season, conclude our centennial year, and look forward to our future. 

Anticipation can be a cousin to hope and optimism, propelling us forward with excitement. We anticipate the holidays heading our way, thinking about the loved ones we will see, gifts that we will give or receive, or the glow of candles that we light for Hanukkah, Advent or Kwanzaa. Anticipation is something to share with others or keep within ourselves, mulling it over. 

Anticipation can also be a motivator, as we anticipate problems and issues. It encourages us to prepare for what is coming (think mid-term exams for our Upper Schoolers) and provides a pathway to planning. Anticipation encourages us to practice a skill, so that the shortstop knows exactly what to do when the ball is batted and is prepared to make the big play. Anticipation lives in our bellies as we go about our daily tasks but reserves part of our brains to contemplate the days to come. 

As a school we are always appreciating today while thinking about what is coming next. We have spent this centennial year honoring our history and preparing for our second century. We are making plans and anticipating the challenges that we may face in the future. 

Our motivation is always to be the School of choice for families who value personal and academic excellence through stretching students while supporting them; a place where every student matters and feels connected. We anticipate that in the days to come, students who are curious, excited about learning and confident in the ways that they relate to and impact their surroundings will make a difference in this world. Those are our Shorecrest students.

Finally, I hope you will join me for one last centennial event that I am eagerly anticipating - our Centennial Closing Reception on Tuesday, December 12 at 4:30pm in the Raymund Center. At the reception we will unveil the Centennial Timeline installation which was made possible with the help of a number of Shorecrest students, as well as view the Centennial Video: Past, Present and Future - a 15-minute documentary film about the School. 

All the best, 



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