Shorecrest School

Welcome Visiting Student Delegations

Lower School News Middle School News

This week Shorecrest welcomed a delegation of 11 fourth and fifth graders from Colegio Ramón y Cajal of Madrid, Spain. This is the school from which Lower School Spanish Teacher Laura Garcia and Lower School Music Teacher Roberto Burón came to Shorecrest. The visitors are enjoying their time at the school, immersing themselves in the community, and contributing their distinct perspectives. Gratitude is extended to the Shorecrest families hosting the visitors in their homes, and to the students demonstrating curiosity and leadership qualities.

“We believe that these kinds of international exchanges are crucial for promoting understanding and cooperation between different countries and cultures,” said Emili Jaime-Allwood, the Director of Global Explorers. “By participating in the Global Explorers program, our students are better equipped to navigate an increasingly interconnected world with empathy and grace.”

Soon students from Ecuador will be visiting fourth-sixth graders. You may notice the flags of Spain and Ecuador outside of Charger Commons representing the delegations visiting our school. Each delegation will be with us for two weeks. We encourage you to give them a warm welcome if you see them on campus!

The Global Explorers Student Exchange & Hosting Program provides opportunities for Shorecrest Lower and Middle school students and their families to join annual exchange programs and host overseas students. The program aims to broaden the horizons of Shorecrest students by exposing them to different cultures and ways of life. Through this program students learn to appreciate and respect cultures while also developing important leadership skills.


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