Shorecrest School

Will Newton '19 Shares Stanford Award with Teacher David Hodgson

Faculty Spotlight Alumni

In a few short weeks Will Newton '19 will graduate from Stanford University among the top 1% of engineering students in Stanford's Class of 2024. Will was recently honored for his academic achievements with the Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Scholastic Award, one of Stanford's highest honors for engineering students. At an awards luncheon on the Stanford campus on April 20, Will chose to share his honor with his former Shorecrest teacher Mr. David Hodgson. 

"Mr. Hodgson served as my American Experiences I teacher, National History Day mentor, and advisor in secondary school," shared Will. "My experiences with him not only fostered my interest in American history but also molded me into the confident public speaker and collaborator that I am today." 

Terman Award recipients are asked to invite the secondary school or other pre-college teacher who was most influential in guiding them during the formative stages of their academic career. Shorecrest Middle School history teacher Mr. David Hodgson was among the group of distinguished teachers from across the country and the world honored alongside their high-achieving former students. 

"I have many fond memories practicing my National History Day presentation to Mr. H in his classroom time and time again before the national competition," Will reminisced. "He was always ready with a listening ear, history fact, or supportive comment."  

In his remarks at the awards luncheon, Mr. Hodgson shared: "So many great teachers helped shape Will Newton into the incredible student and person that he is today. I am so humbled and honored to be among them, and to have played a role in supporting a student like Will." 

Upon returning to Shorecrest, Mr. Hodgson reflected on the experience of reconnecting with his former student: "It was wonderful to see Will and hear from his college professors and peers about his experiences at Stanford. He really models our Shorecrest Mission and Core Values. I can't wait to see what he does next." 

In June, Will graduates from Stanford with a degree in Management Science and Engineering. After graduation he plans to relocate to Salt Lake City where he will begin his professional career as a Planning and Revenue Systems Engineer for Breeze Airways. 

When asked for his advice for the Shorecrest Class of 2024, Will shared: "Go off and enjoy college to the fullest! It was the absolute best four years for me. Say ‘yes’ to things you would not usually agree to. Join a club or take a class in a field different from what interests you. Stay balanced - Stanford was so great to me because academics were truly only a small part of my Stanford story."

Congratulations to Will Newton '19 and David Hodgson on this well-earned honor!


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