Shorecrest School

Coming Home and Homecoming

Head of School Letter

This week is a fall highlight for Shorecrest Chargers, as we celebrate Homecoming and welcome alumni back for our first all-class Alumni Reunion weekend! Homecoming week is a time to build memories and enhance community spirit. It is also an opportunity for alumni to reconnect with Shorecrest as we prepare to celebrate our centennial and reflect on our school’s history while cheering on current students. 

Homecoming week is a whole-school event, with fun themed dress-up days for each school division. On Thursday, the entire school dressed in their specific class colors with today being a true Green and Gold Spirit Day. Middle School students were the judges for the Upper School’s class banners, a responsibility that they took very seriously. Varsity student-athletes at carline enjoyed walking with Experiential and Lower School students to their classrooms. Class competitions were hotly contested with volleyball, slip n’ slide kickball, and powder puff football as some of the traditional games.  

Our youngest Chargers have their own mini Pep Rally where varsity student-athletes and cheerleaders come to the Experiential School to teach school cheers and songs. Later in the day, varsity student-athletes and cheerleaders bring Lower School students to join the Middle and Upper Schoolers in a loud and enthusiastic Pep Rally in Crisp Gym. Lower School Little Sparks cheerleaders will join their older cheerleader friends in pumping up the crowd. A final announcement of total points takes place as the seniors, juniors, sophomores and 9th graders learn who has earned the treasured Class Championship title.

Tonight our state champion football team takes Haskell Field with an impressive 6-1 record for their final game of the regular season. Before the game, alumni will gather on campus nearby at The Wood Family Pavilion to connect with classmates and enjoy refreshments. Senior athletes from our cheerleading, football, golf and cross-country teams will be honored before the game as part of their Senior Night. And at halftime, the Homecoming Court will take the field as Shorecrest’s Mr. Spirit and Homecoming Queen will be announced to the community.  

On Saturday night, current Upper School students will enjoy their “Night in New York City” themed Homecoming Dance while the Chargers All-Alumni Reunion will take place off campus, bringing together alumni of different decades to reminisce and connect. An on-campus alumni breakfast Sunday morning rounds out the weekend’s events. 

Traditions such as Homecoming and class reunions are such a special part of school life. They are what brings a community together and reflect the energy, passion and joy of Shorecrest. I hope that all of you will come out and enjoy these special events. It is a wonderful way to welcome home alumni and cherish our Homecoming festivities. 

All the best, 


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