Shorecrest School

The Gift of Time

Head of School Letter

‘Tis the season, as they say, when Amazon prompts us with gift lists and we get requests from aunts, cousins and grandparents asking for family wish lists for desired presents. Many of us spend time and energy thinking of meaningful gifts. Then there is the purchasing, wrapping and in some cases, shipping of presents to our loved ones. 

What about giving the gift of time? 

Sharing time with one another can be the greatest gift of all. As we have all felt recently, time with loved ones is precious and can be taken away suddenly and without warning. Truly appreciating the moments we spend with our family and friends is a valuable skill. I don’t think that children especially care if these moments are big events or smaller times spent together, when they have the full attention of a parent, sibling or loved one. Simply being together in a car, taking a walk, playing a game or preparing a meal can become such a special memory. 

Whenever there is a performance in the Janet Root Theatre by Shorecrest students, especially our youngest ones venturing onto the big stage (as there was today), I enjoy watching the children sing, dance, speak and act. However, I especially love seeing the faces of families as they watch their children perform. The pride and joy that are clearly embedded in each person’s expression is so very moving. It is obvious how much these children are cherished. I hope that these experiences become lasting memories. To me, appreciating these occasions is another aspect of the gift of time. 

However you choose to celebrate the holidays or recognize your family’s traditions, I encourage you to capture moments in your heart and preserve these special times. Hours are a limited resource, perhaps the only thing that we cannot expand. Sharing time with others, whether it is through community service, reaching out to old friends or focusing on familiar loved ones, is a precious and valuable gift, for others and for yourself!  

I appreciate the time that so many of you have devoted to this community. Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season to all members of the Shorecrest family. I look forward to seeing you in 2023. Happy New Year! 

All the best, 

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