Shorecrest School

Senior Jordan J reports on S4TL

Upper School News

On Tuesday morning, the Vice President of Shorecrest Upper School's Interact service club, senior Jordan J., shared his summer experiences at the Seminar for Tomorrow's Leaders (S4TL) to the Sunrise Rotary, which sponsored his participation. 

S4TL is a leadership training program held at Florida Southern College for rising seniors. Jordan was one of 140 Florida students invited to participate in the award-winning program. Students who participate in the week-long S4TLexperience hear from national motivational speakers, Rotarians, and each other about the importance of making good decisions and giving back to their community. Lectures, discussions, "rap sessions," motivational talks, and interchanges of ideas/concepts are all a part of challenging S4TL participants to develop leadership abilities as they prepare to enter their senior year of high school. Students attending the Seminar are challenged to utilize their skills, knowledge, talent, expertise and intelligence toward specific goals. The ultimate goal of the Seminar is for each student to leave with a new self-awareness ready to not only better use their natural abilities but also to serve others in leadership throughout life.

The experience made such an impacton Jordan that he hopes to return next summer to help run the program. Shorecrest hopes to send another representative from Interact next June.   

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