Shorecrest School

Phase Two of "A Healthy You"

Lower School News

Kindergarteners are egocentric by nature, which is developmentally appropriate. They are extremely aware of their likes, dislikes, selves etc. However, they may not know the best ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. In our current kindergarten unit, classes focus on what it means to live a healthy life and to learn ways each child can improve their habits to make more healthy living choices.
In the "A Healthy You" project, students will be driven by the question, "What does it mean to live a healthy life?" First, students shared what they already knew about healthy living and asked questions.

In Phase 2, kindergarteners will learn about living a healthy life and all that it entails, such as having healthy friendships, eating healthy foods, personal hygiene, exercise, etc. Some plans for this time include: field experiences in the Shorecrest Athletic Center to see and learn about the gym, guest speakers from medical and health professions, and much more.

Last week, kindergarteners discussed eating healthy and My Plate. Each kindergarten teacher presented one of the food groups to classes and read a book and did an activity.

Next, classes began learning about Healthy Habits. Students rotated through each classroom learning about safety, drinking water, getting enough sleep and brushing their teeth.
In Phase 3, the students will choose to represent their learning in a variety of ways. When their projects are complete, students will make presentations to parents and students in other grade levels to share their new knowledge about healthy living.

Phase one of the project was introduced here.

(More photos here.)

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