Shorecrest School

Herb and Pumpkin Fun

Experiential School News

The students in Alpha classes are using herbs to learn about their senses through their senses. The children brought their choice of herb plant to explore with their friends. They used their eyes and magnifying glasses to examine the herbs visually; their skin to feel them, the noses to smell them; and their mouths to taste them. They even used their ears to see if the plants made any sounds! Math and literacy were also involved as the children counted the types of herbs and created an experience chart to document the results.

It’s pumpkin season and this fruit is providing opportunities for a wide variety of experiences in Junior Kindergarten. Estimating and measuring their circumference with string and their height with blocks developed math skills; while hammering golf tees into the pumpkins exercised their eye/hand coordination and strengthened their muscles.


Read more from this week in Betty's Blog.

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