Shorecrest School

Garden Bounty & Exploring a Farm

Experiential School News

Garden Bounty

The Alpha and Junior Kindergarten students have been tending their garden so well that the kale, spinach, radishes, peppers and more were ready for harvesting. There were so many peppers that everyone in Mrs. Schaedel’s class got to pick one, with more to spare. Some of Junior Kindergartners thought the radishes tasted great, while others weren’t so thrilled by the spicy flavor. In each of the classes, there were many opportunities for tasting sessions. In the spirit of sharing and service learning, The Experiential School shared their bounty with the entire school by presenting Sage, our catering service, with radishes, kale and spinach to use in school lunches!

Exploring the Sustainable Family Farm

The Sustainable Family Farm was the perfect destination for the Junior Kindergartners as they kicked off their study of living off the land. With the help of Farmer Ray and the Smith family, the children were introduced to how sugar cane grows and used to be pressed in the old fashioned sugar press; how meat was cooked in an old wooden smoker; and how bees make honey. They saw an old well, fruit growing on trees and vegetables in the garden and even created individual butterfly feeders to take home. The children are looking forward to returning to the farm to assist in the gardens, growing food that will be sold to support the Foundation’s projects and/or given to those in need.

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