Shorecrest School

Veterans Day and Weedon Island Field Experience

Experiential School News

Honoring our Veterans

It was a special Veterans Day in Junior Kindergarten as the children learned about the holiday and honored their special friend Coach Z, along with Officer Rachel and Mr. Bell. These were the people who have served in our Armed Forces who responded to an invitation to come celebrate this important commemorative day with us.

During an assembly, the children heard a short story and had a conversation about the holiday, then these veterans joined the children in the Pledge of Allegiance following which, Mr. Updike, our Band Director played Taps on his trumpet. After assembly the children created a giant flag and cards that were delivered to the Veterans Hospital.

Learning at Weedon Island Nature Preserve

After studying how the Seminole and other people lived long ago, the Junior Kindergartners took a journey back in time with a visit to Weedon Island Nature Preserve. There they were able to examine artifacts and also learned how these indigenous people fashioned tools from shells, stones and sticks and made pottery from clay (just like we did at school) They also walked on the boardwalk and learned about the mangroves and other plants that these native Floridians used to make other necessary items. A highlight was seeing the ancient canoe that was found on the property several years ago and watching a video that showed the excavation process.

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