Shorecrest School

Honoring MLK National Day of Service

Experiential School News

For the third year, the Lower and Experiential Schools have honored the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with service to another class at Shorecrest during the month of January. Here are some of the service projects completed by Lower School students.
  • Mrs. Jotch’s JK class made donuts for Mrs. Oman’s fourth grade class and delivered them with handmade cards.
  • Mrs. Vigue’s Kindergarten made snack for Mrs. Hobbs third grade class and had snack with them. They also made flowers with a vase and pictures of the students for Dr. Bianco.
  • Mrs. Craver’s JK class made donuts for Mrs. Whitecage’s first grade class.
  • Ms. Horne’s second grade class will teach Ms. Hahn’s JK class how to use clay to make bird nests and birds.  
  • Mrs. Carson’s Alpha class baked a pumpkin bread and made warm vanilla/sugar milk for breakfast to share with Ms. Horne’s second grade class. The children heard a story together too.
  • Mrs. Whitcage’s class brought a popcorn snack and wonderful books to share with Mrs. Carson’s Alpha class. The children interacted together, listened to Mrs. Whitecage read a story and munched on popcorn! Then the first graders read their own books to the Alpha children in small groups.
  • Mrs. Whitecage’s class was fed wonderful homemade doughnuts by Mrs. Craver’s JK class.
  • Mrs. Becker in the office was appreciated and well thanked with a special book of thank-you notes written by Mrs. Whitecage’s class.
  • Mrs. Hobbs' class is going to have a picnic lunch with Mrs. O’Mullane’s class and teach the children a game to play at recess together.
  • Mrs. Oman’s fourth graders taught Mrs. Craver’s JK students how to play several new morning meeting activities in the hopes that they can add them to their own repertoire of games or will be familiar with them when they are taught in kindergarten.
  • The children in Mrs. Minke’s kindergarten class liked sewing with Mrs. Kiernan to make pillows for Mrs. Husenitza’s fourth grade students. The fourth graders were so surprised and excited that they hugged their new pillows! The class also made one for the guidance counselor, Ms. Fierce.
  • Ms. O’Mullane’s class read to Ms. Fridenstine’s Alpha students and then helped them check out books from the library. They had so much fun that they will be returning to help again a few more times.
  • Ms. O’Mullane’s class will help Mr. Ed Bender weed and water the garden and present him with thank you card as a gesture of thanks for all that he does for us.
  • Mrs. Kotsko’s class made and set up snack for Mrs. Densa’s first grade.
  • Abbie Hahn’s JK class made Mrs. Smay a beautiful card to go along with a stuffed skunk after she read them the story “Skunk.” Mrs. Smay used a stuffed chipmunk to tell the story since she told the class she could not find a skunk. They found one and presented it to her the next week, along with the card signed by the entire class!

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