Shorecrest School

Experiential School Feasts

Experiential School News

Delicious aromas filled The Experiential School this week as our young chefs and teachers prepared the food for their Feasts. Excitement was building each day as different dishes were cooked (i.e. mashed potatoes, corn, muffins...) and crafts created.

Alpha classes visited the Sustainable Family Farm as part of their study of fruits and vegetables and where they come from. Back on campus, they decorated turkey feathers, shucked corn husks, and dictated what they are thankful for while their cranberries simmered and burst open.

JK students hammered vegetables to create natural dyes for a wall hanging, decorated a chikee, and made their own ice cream. They visited Weedon Island to learn about how Native Americans lived off the land in Florida. The JK Exploratorium features the chikee that students decorated and includes artifacts. JK students also made pinch pots out of clay and watched them get fired in a kiln earlier this week.
On Friday, parents and grandparents joined teachers and students for exploring time together, making memories as they engaged in hands-on experiences. The friendship Feast in Alpha was in their Exploratorium where all three classes and their guests ate together. JK students created their menu for their Feast, chose their orders - which volunteers filled, and then they ate outside with families and friends. 

The Experiential School faculty is grateful for our wonderful students and families to whom we wish a happy Thanksgiving and restful vacation! 

After we return from Thanksgiving Break, Alpha classes will visit Trader Joe's for a behind-the-scenes tour to continue their study on fruits and vegetables.

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