Shorecrest School

JK Creates a Rainforest

Experiential School News

Last month, JK students in Mrs. Hahn’s class started exploring South America, specifically all the plants and animals that call the Amazon Rainforest their home. They began by looking at species of trees, shrubs, and vines that make up this lush ecosystem. They learned that the rainforests have 4 layers; the forest floor, understory, canopy and the emergent layer. Each layer provides protection and food for numerous animals. 

The students wanted to create their own rainforest to hang in the classroom, so they designed, drew and painted all the layers of the rainforest. They drew trees that reached all the way to the emergent layers as well as shrubs and bushes that grow along the forest floor. They even
added coffee beans to some of their trees!
Next, the class researched the animals that live in each layer. After drawing, cutting and labeling different animals, they sorted the animals into the correct layer and added them to their rainforest. They discussed that some animals cross between many layers of rainforest looking for food and shelter. 
Wonderful conversations and collaboration also occurred as the students helped each other sound out and write the labels for their animals. 

View more photos here.

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