Shorecrest School

First Days in The Experiential School

Experiential School News

This week The Experiential School opened its doors to students and their families for the 2021-2022 school year. Together they explored our flexible environment and used a variety of materials to engage in meaningful collaboration. The teachers were so happy to greet everyone and the students were thrilled to welcome their parents for our special activity. 

The Experiential School also enjoyed welcoming new families! It’s always exciting to see our Shorecrest family grow.

It was wonderful to witness our community together again, filling our building with joy and excitement. From morning carline to our noon goodbyes, we felt the energy of the young Chargers: they are ready!

Parents/guardians are encouraged to join teachers again at the Janet Root Theatre on August 31 at 7pm for Back To School Night. Following a presentation in the JRT, parents will have the opportunity to meet with the teachers to learn more about how teaching and learning comes to life at The Experiential School.

Find many more photos here.

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