Shorecrest School

Third Grade Wetlands Projects shared with JK

Experiential School News

Third graders recently completed a unit and inquiry projects about wetlands. They shared their findings with the junior kindergarteners about food chains, habitats and the dangers humans and natural disasters pose on these. Here’s some of what the JK Chargers learned during this cross-divisional share:

  • Forest fires are dangerous to animal homes. 
  • If garbage gets into waterfalls it goes into the wetlands and that can hurt the habitat. 
  • Sometimes places can flood and it's bad for some creatures because they only like low water.
  • Tornadoes can destroy habitats and animals can be lost from their families.
  • Forest fires can hurt animals and their homes. Sometimes people make fires in the woods and if they're not careful a tiny spark can cause a fire. 
  • When big tsunami waves come they can flood a habitat. 
  • Trees breathe too! They can suck it in and suck it out.
  • If trash comes into the wetland it might destroy the whole wetland.
  • Floods, tornadoes and fires can hurt animal homes.
  • Waterfalls can come down into a pond and it is a home.
  • Some alligators can live in saltwater habitat. 
  • Alligators can swim away fast.
  • Garbage can hurt trees and animals.
  • Some animals need lots of water in their habitat to hydrate. 
  • Tornadoes and hurricanes are super strong and fast.
  • Sometimes people put trash in the wetlands and that hurts the animals.
  • If all trees die then we wouldn’t be able to breathe.
  • If you throw garbage in wetlands it can go in oceans too and hurt the animal homes.
  • Tornadoes are not good because they blow things down. That's not good for animal homes, I don’t know what they would do. 
  • If we put garbage in the water it can go to the oceans.
  • Some jaguars get hunted by hunters.That's bad because there are not many jaguars left. 
  • A rabbit can eat a grasshopper and a snake eats the rabbit and the grasshopper eats the mushroom. 
  • It’s good to pick up trash because if not the trees will get diseased and fall down. 
  • If we lost all the trees we wouldn’t be able to breathe. All living things need to breathe so if we didn’t have trees there would be nothing. 
  • Some snakes live in the water. They sit and look for bunnies because they eat them. 
  • Some alligators attack snakes. 
  • A grasshopper can eat a plant, a rabbit can eat the grasshopper and a snake can eat the rabbit. 
  • Evaporation is when water gets hot and turns into air.

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