Shorecrest School

Jr. Thespians Receive High Scores at Districts

Middle School News

Shorecrest's Jr. Thespians Troupe 88197 have been rehearsing with Mrs. McCarthy since early September in preparation for the recent Jr. Thespian District Festival and all their hard work paid off. The Troupe took a total of 21 Acts to the Festival to receive professional adjudication amongst 20 other schools in the District.

Mrs. McCarthy is very excited to announce that every single Shorecrest student won an award this year. Five acts were scored and rated as Excellent and 16 received the highest score rating of Superior. 

Not only has Shorecrest qualified for the State Festival, but they also have more qualifying acts than we are allowed to bring due to State restrictions. Only the top 8 acts will move on to the State level which is based on the points given by the adjudicators. State qualifiers include eighth graders Brie A, Sofia A, Phoenix B, Holland B, Jolie B, Allie K, Hana K, Alissa S, Grace W; seventh graders Ethan B, Ava H, Sofi R; and sixth graders Lily B, Maggie B, Sarah K, and Layla H.

In addition to competing at the festival, every Jr. Thespian took an opportunity to run the Broadway Cares table on Saturday, as well as conduct the Bucket Collection at the end of the Closing Ceremony. They raised $308 for Broadway Cares. 


Large Group Musical:
"Human Stuff"/ The Little Mermaid, Jr. – SUPERIOR
"She's In Love"/ The Little Mermaid, Jr. – EXCELLENT

Small Group Musical:
Anderson, Bayne & Hambleton - "I Know It's Today"/ Shrek – SUPERIOR

Duet Musical:
Harris & Rosales - "You Love Who You Love"/ Bonnie & Clyde – SUPERIOR
Bayne & Williams - "If Mamma was Married"/ Gypsy – SUPERIOR
Kang & Simkin - "Caitlyn & Hayley"/ Edges – EXCELLENT
Brill & Sembler - "How the Other Half Lives"/ Thoroughly Modern Millie – EXCELLENT
Bentley & Bentley - "Marry the Man Today"/ Guys & Dolls – SUPERIOR

Solo Musical:
B.Anderson - "Nothing Short of Wonderful"/ Dogfight – SUPERIOR
G.Williams - "Once Upon a December"/ Anastasia – SUPERIOR
J.Bentley - "Nobody Steps on Kafritz"/ Henry, Sweet Henry – SUPERIOR
R.Sembler - "Not for the Life of Me"/ Thoroughly Modern Millie – SUPERIOR
H.Bentley - "Ring of Keys"/ Ordinary Days – SUPERIOR

Duet Acting:
Ayral-Hutton & Bentley -"Above it All" by Mary Hall Surface – CRITICS CHOICE

L.DiMartino - "Bluebird"/ by Jonathan Dorf – SUPERIOR
S.Rosales - "Dogface"/ by Kellie Powell – SUPERIOR
E.Bekurs - "About Race"/ by Phyllis C Johnson – HONORABLE MENTION
A.Simkin - "The Rehearsal"/ by Don Zolidis – SUPERIOR
P.Bayne - "Strong Enough for Both of Us"/ by D. M. Larson – EXCELLENT

P.Bayne – Makeup Design/ Oliver! – EXCELLENT
A.Kane – Costume Design/ To Kill a Mockingbird – SUPERIOR

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