Shorecrest School

Faculty Spotlight on Ron Heller

Faculty Spotlight

For many alumni, Ron Heller is the face of Shorecrest. From his quirky nicknames for students to the popular Alumnipaloozas, to his extensive experience as a chaperone for student travel abroad, Ron (as he is known by alumni and students alike) has made life-long connections at Shorecrest. Like many of our beloved faculty members, Ron's impact and ability to engage, inspire and lead is a testament to his care for his students and dedication to his profession. 
While at Shorecrest, Ron has been committed to providing unique educational opportunities for his students while remaining dedicated to his own professional development and love for history. 

Service and giving back are important to Ron. He has been the Advisor for the Key Club for the past 3 years, helping students prepare meals for the Ronald McDonald House, helping women and children with educational scholarships with Beads of Hope in Uganda, and planning different collection drives for Kiwanis Club. Ron has also chaperoned the popular Service Week trip to Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to work with the Lakota through Re-Member, an organization dedicated to helping the Lakota Sioux people live better lives through cultural exchanges and direct service.

It is no surprise that Mr. Heller has a love for travel. Much like projects and experiential learning in a classroom take students out of textbooks and into self discovery, travel opens student minds to memorable learning. Ron’s vast knowledge of history complements the many educational adventures he has led during many summers.

We asked Ron to tell us a little about himself and how he came to teach history at Shorecrest.

What drew you to a career in education? Please also share how you came to work at Shorecrest and the year you started here.

I had several former careers including in the areas of advertising, human resource management and real estate. It was a Professor at Harvard, where I was studying for my master’s in History, who pointed me toward education and I never looked back. A few weeks after graduating, I had a life-altering stroke. It didn’t slow me down and I moved to St. Petersburg and started at Shorecrest in 1999.

What subject area have you taught at Shorecrest and what did you like most about that subject?

I've taught all levels of Upper School History, my favorite being Western Civilization. I particularly enjoyed inspiring students to express their knowledge in the National History Day and National History Bowl competitions.

What is your fondest Shorecrest memory?

I would have to say opening the world to students through the many trips I have led and continue to do today. Experiential learning at its finest!!

What is your biggest takeaway from your time at Shorecrest?

"Surround yourself with youth and the aging process will be slower. They will never cease to amaze you."

If you have a former or current faculty or staff member who you would like spotlighted, please email Stacy Alexander, Director of Alumni and Community Engagement at [email protected]

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