Shorecrest School

Holiday Celebrations & Service

Head of School Letter

Last week’s Holiday Gift Drive for Guardian ad Litem kicked the holiday season into high gear at Shorecrest. The generosity of our community in support of the 200+ foster children was, as in the past, magnificent. Spirits were high as students filed in carrying their class gifts, SPA volunteers expertly organized the overwhelming collection and Guardian ad Litem advocates gratefully accepted the gifts on behalf of the foster children. If you were not able to see the Gift Drive in person, check out the article and video about the event in the Tampa Bay Times and another on Bay News 9.
For some members of our community the foster children in our area represent a critical cause that warrants constant attention. Other members of the community have other equally important programs that they support with their time, talent and resources. A key element of the Shorecrest mission is for our students “to develop a commitment to social responsibility.” Parents support their children in the development of character, academic, athletic, and artistic skills and ability. How do we do the same for the development of a commitment to social responsibility?
One of the ways we strive to fulfill that aspect of our mission is through the Service Learning program. What is Service Learning, and what does it have to do with the holidays? Do our children know why it is important to support the foster children in the Guardian ad Litem Program? If we know why it is important to support the foster children, why do many of us support these children just once a year?
For the past two weeks, many of us at Shorecrest have been in very important discussions about Service Learning. Su Stevens, our Director of Service Learning has decided to move back to California when her son, who was recently accepted to MIT, heads to college at the end of this school year. Su has modeled a spirit of service and generosity to our students, school family and the community organizations with whom we partner. She will be leaving a legacy of kind acts and some wonderful partnerships with organizations throughout Tampa Bay.
Like Su, many members of our community are role models to people of all ages.  Helping our children become mindful of the people who serve others is an important action. Over the holidays, the news will be peppered with reports of people who do well-planned and random acts of kindness. Hopefully, our children will not take these acts or these people for granted. Keeping our children aware of the people and organizations that serve our community is a great step in developing a service learning mindset.
Like many of my colleagues, I choose to serve at Shorecrest because the education of our children is critically important, rewarding and enjoyable. We are fortunate to do meaningful work every day on behalf of the children and parents/guardians at Shorecrest. I look forward to continuing our work and service in the New Year. 
Cheers to all!


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