Shorecrest School

Police visit in Preschool

Experiential School News

Sergeant Chris, Officer Joe, and their K9, Axel, of the St. Petersburg Police Department, came to visit with two cruisers, the old sedan style and color, and the newer SUV to show the Alpha students. It was another strong segue as the children transition from learning about people in the neighborhood to transportation.

Sergeant Chris talked with them about what police officers do and showed them his SWAT vest and mask. Officer Joe and Axel demonstrated the K9’s ability to follow commands, jump hurdles and sniff out explosive materials. All were a big hit with the children!

Following their visit to the fire station last week, the Alpha students enjoyed a morning of exploring that allowed them to experience related activities that included “putting out the fire” on the buildings painted on their windows, as well as throwing a soft ball at a pyramid of "flames", making fire trucks for snack, and erecting buildings and acting out rescues with blocks.

As part of their transportation project, the Alpha students brought in photos of their family vehicles. After studying the photos and talking about details they noticed about them, the children took their time drawing what they saw. Later, they attached both the original photo and their drawing by color to a giant wall graph. They will tally up how many vehicles of each color were represented. This activity was great for public speaking skills, paying attention to details in shapes, color and size, honing fine motor control, counting and so much more!

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