Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

We are very fortunate people to be a part of the Shorecrest community. We have young children and emerging young adults who do things on a daily basis that bring not only smiles, but also promise to our hearts and minds.

We have teachers and staff members who are dedicated to the children and families in this community. They often sacrifice their own personal interests to enrich the lives of their students and our school. We have parents, grandparents and past parents who give time, talent and resources that provide our children and teachers with incredible opportunities to thrive. We also have an alumni association and all the graduates of our school who are doing great works at their universities, in their careers and in their communities here in St. Petersburg and around the globe.
In the past week alone our youngest students brought joy to our community with their presentations at the annual Poetry in the Park program. Our Middle School students engaged in important environmental service projects. Our Upper School community gathered in a thoughtful ceremony to honors our nation’s veterans. There were food drives, clothing drives and other service projects happening school-wide. Students brought us joy with their efforts and achievements as the winter soccer season started and at Fall Showcase, which highlighted the talents of our Upper School artists. Parents gathered for Tom Dillow’s Shorecrest Community Association (SCA) sponsored talk on learning, and over half of our Middle School parents gathered for a wonderful social at the Hahns’ home.
Behind the scenes activities of Board members, parents and teachers will lead to exciting opportunities for our children and community. The focused efforts of parents who are getting ready for the Holiday Gift Drive, the delivery of greenery wreaths, the Winter Middle School Sports Night, and the The Big Event will soon unite many of us. The faculty, which just reached 100% participation in the Annual Fund, is engaged in many important activities than can easily go unnoticed. The writing of narratives reports to provide parents with a full description of a child as a learner is a significant effort. In preparation for the Accreditation visit, the faculty have revised curriculum guides, completed a self-study and prepared a school improvement plan that will lead to important new opportunities for students, parents, faculty and staff. Our Board is leading the community in a quiet phase of a capital campaign and are at the beginning stages of developing a new strategic plan for Shorecrest.
I am thankful to be surrounded by talented, dedicated and generous children, adults and community leaders who care about each other and the development of our greater community. Being a part of something that is bigger than ourselves makes life meaningful. I am thankful that I am a member of this special community dedicated to the future of our children and our community.
Happy Thanksgiving and Cheers!


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