Shorecrest School

Relay For Life Team Spotlight: BUSINESS MATCH PROGRAM

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Team Captain: senior Jordan J. (pictured, center)
Team Members: Jordan J, Olivia O, Jordan T, Senna P, Lliam C
Team Sponsors: Marc Jacobson, Melissa Weest

The Business Match Program is an initiative started by Jordan J. at the beginning of his senior year at Shorecrest. Jordan's idea drew upon his six years of Relay For Life experience in many different roles - including Team Member, Team Captain, Mission/Awareness Committee Lead, Marketing Assistant, Social Communications/Marketing/Advertising Lead, and this year Event co-Chair. (Yes, he was also the guy who shaved his head for Relay For Life fundraising!)

Jordan is putting a new twist on the traditional sponsorship model that opens up more marketing opportunities for companies, as well as more fundraising and awareness activity. The small group of committed students is going out into the community and making sponsorship proposals to local businesses in hopes of not only securing a sponsorship, but securing a commitment to a presentation and match from the employer. So far, the students have made over a dozen initial proposals and four employee presentations, with more scheduled for the coming weeks. So far the Business Match Program has raised more than $20,000 in sponsorship dollars for the 2017 Relay For Life event, and there's still over a month left to go!

“This total is well over double that of the previous year's sponsorship figures, and our organization is really proud of what we have been able to do, and is still looking to raise the bar even higher! Because of the success that we have had, and the work that went into perfecting the concept, the idea caught the eye of American Cancer Society representatives, and was presented to ACS supervisors. As of now, it is in an official pilot stage on its way to hopefully being implemented nationally!” reports excited Team Captain Jordan. If the program is successful, Relay events across the country will have the chance to utilize this model to stimulate their own fundraising efforts.

Thank you for being part of a successful Relay Lunch last week at Shorecrest!
Our next Relay event is a 50% give-back night at Chipotle on 3/29.

Relay For Life 2017 at Shorecrest will be Friday, April 7 from 6PM - Midnight.
Learn more at

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