Shorecrest School

Using Zoom for ES Gatherings

Experiential School News

The ES teachers would like to invite Alpha and JK students to connect with them using Zoom. Through the Zoom platform, the Experiential School aspires to achieve the goals of assembling, seeing each other and sharing experiences together. These learning experiences are being designed thoughtfully and intentionally to ensure that the Zoom sessions are developmentally appropriate for young children, positive, and meaningful. We are determining best practices considering safety, duration, management, and the number of children in a group.

Following a model shared by Lower School teachers, Experiential School teachers will mute children upon entry, offer visual ways for engagement (i.e., thumbs up, wave, name cards), unmute individual students when it is their turn to talk, and use techniques to promote relationships and understanding.

Zoom sessions are optional and parents/guardians may choose to have their child attend or not. There is no pressure to participate. Please refer to your teacher’s PowerSchool page for information about upcoming opportunities. Some Zoom sessions may be seated storytimes and others active - involving dance, music, movement or hands-on art. Teachers will provide details in advance.

Parent/guardian support will be needed as we virtually gather as a community in this new setting. Please read and talk about the following expectations with your child. These will be our 
Zoom Agreements that everyone will abide by to participate in any offered zoom sessions.

Expectations for Parents/Guardians:
  • Be present during the Zoom session and aware of your child’s emotional state and conduct
  • Provide freedom for your child to participate positively
  • Select a calm environment for the Zoom meeting (i.e., free of noise, movement, or potential distractions)
  • Provide support and redirection when needed
  • Use judgment to end the session if your child is having difficulty managing their behavior and engaging through this format
  • Please preserve this special time for your ES child, their teachers, and classmates. Siblings and pets may be invited by the teachers if that is a designated part of sharing during a particular Zoom session.
Expectations for Students:
  • Bring yourself. We can’t wait to see you!
  • Wear play clothes or pajamas if specified by the teacher or administrator
  • Sit independently in a chair, in a parent’s/guardian’s lap, or in a comfortable seated spot near a parent/guardian
  • Choose a small stuffed animal or fidget object to hold in a closed hand if that helps to focus or have hands free in your lap
  • Smile, listen and join in the activities.
  • Show patience. Just like when we gather in our classroom circle, we need to wait for our turn to speak. The teacher will call on you when it is your turn.
  • Get ready for our Zoom time by eating before we get together.
Look for Zoom opportunities for Alpha and JK students in the near future.

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