Shorecrest School

Celebrating Homecoming Week in ES

Experiential School News

November 16-20 is Shorecrest’s Homecoming Week. Let’s show our Charger spirit and cheer on our community by enjoying some fun days of wearing and doing special things. (Each school division has created a schedule appropriate for the age of their students.) 

Experiential School students are encouraged to follow this schedule:

Monday: Wear your favorite color day
Tuesday: Bring your favorite stuffed animal to school day; Flex Learners bring your stuffed animal to your Morning Meeting
Wednesday: Wear a wacky headband and/or silly socks
Thursday: Acts of Kindness Day - Show your gratitude or give thanks to someone at Shorecrest by drawing them a picture, making them a card, or showing thanks in your own unique way.
Friday: the whole school will wear Green & Gold Spirit Wear

A spirited week awaits!

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