Shorecrest School

Programming Bee-Bots 

Experiential School News

Junior Kindergarteners in Mrs. Rosas’ class were introduced to Bee-Bot robots. Bee-Bots are exciting robots for young children, frequently used as a fun way to teach counting, sequencing, estimation, and problem-solving – early programming skills. In this experience, children learned how to use the directional keys which send Bee-Bot forward, backward, left and right. They quickly learned that pressing the green GO button starts Bee-Bot on its way. In addition, the children practiced erasing Bee-Bot’s memory by pressing the blue X button while taking turns with their partners.

“We should turn Bee-Bot into a unicorn,” suggested Allie and Avery. Everyone cheered in agreement!

The students then worked together to artistically give the robots a colorful unicorn shape using supplies in the classroom. In case you are searching for programmable unicorns, now you know where to go!

Find more photos here.

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