Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

Each year, there is a unit of the third grade curriculum on Changemakers. A Changemaker is someone who desires change in the world and gathers knowledge and resources to make that change happen. Over several weeks of study the students learn that everyone has the potential to make a positive difference. Changemakers demonstrate empathy and courage. They believe in a better world and see themselves as having the power to improve it - and that conviction is a great trait to nurture in students. 

During their course of study, students engage with numerous resources and identify, research and write about a Changemaker they found inspirational. Some stand up for animal rights, environmental issues, women’s rights, human rights and civil rights. This unit is an opportunity for students to express their individual passions, while showing support and respect for each other’s passions and beliefs. As a direct connection to our Core Values, the Chargers learned how to responsibly display knowledge, integrity and compassion while respecting each other’s differences.

To paraphrase poet Martha Postlethwaite, it isn’t necessary to try and change the whole world by doing anything grandiose. Instead, when we take the time to create a clearing in the dense forest of life, the hope is that “the song that is yours alone to sing falls into your open cupped hands.” We strive to have children recognize how each person has a passion and ability to create positive change, and that everyone is responsible for making a difference in the world through compassion and empathy.

This weekend we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s life as a Changemaker, and honor his legacy through a day of service to others. I invite you to join me and other members of the school community as we gather at the MLK Dream Big Parade on Monday, January 16 at 10am at First Ave. South and Fifth Street downtown in full Shorecrest gear. In recognition of Dr. King’s commitment to service, Shorecrest Chargers will participate in the clean-up efforts at the conclusion of the parade. If you would like to watch the parade together or be a part of the clean-up event, please meet For more information, please contact Mr. Roderick Fludd at [email protected]. [More details]

All the best, 

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