Shorecrest School

The 2023 Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning Winter Institute 

Head of School Letter

While students have the day off on Friday, Shorecrest faculty and staff have a day on – one of learning, creativity and collaboration with the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning’s annual Winter Institute. We are excited to attend this annual day of professional development, along with attendees from schools across the country, which will be in-person on Shorecrest’s campus for the first time since 2020!  

The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) was launched in 2017 and is directed by long-time Shorecrest faculty member Jane Boarman. CITL’s mission is to provide groundbreaking opportunities for educators to explore new research-supported teaching practices, expand their networks, and grow as professionals. Its origins as a strategic initiative of Shorecrest aligns with our commitment to excellence in education and seeks to benefit the greater community by providing engaging professional development opportunities for teachers and school leaders across the country. 

This year’s Winter Institute includes outside speakers along with Shorecrest faculty members. Faculty and staff members enjoy using their expertise to present important information to their colleagues and fellow educators. This year’s sessions include perennial topics, along with new issues in education. 

Among many other interesting sessions, outside experts will offer strategies for teaching math, reading and writing to children with dyslexia and dyscalculia. Designing learning environments is another important topic. A Shorecrest panel of administrators from the Middle and Upper School will address the question of “What Does Student Voice and Leadership Look Like?” There will be a discussion led by Shorecrest’s Diversity Coordinators that addresses “What’s Now, What’s Next?” There are so many other fascinating topics that it is difficult to choose just one presentation per time session!

Technology in education is a hot topic, especially ChatGPT, as multiple presenters talk about artificial intelligence in education and teaching in the digital age. The Winter Institute concludes with a closing session entirely devoted to the arts. Shorecrest’s Visual and Performing Arts faculty provide an opportunity for attendees to make and use art in the classroom by offering forays into digital filmmaking, clay, mixed media and theater. 

As educators, we crave the chance to be with other teachers and learn how to get better at our craft. The Winter Institute is an amazing day of professional growth and demonstrates Shorecrest’s commitment to lifelong learning for all. We are proud to host this event and look forward to its positive impact on the learning experience of all Shorecrest students. 

I hope that everyone has a restful long weekend in celebration of Presidents’ Day. Upon our return, hopefully everyone will feel refreshed and ready for the quick two weeks to Spring Break, then onward to the final stretch of this centennial school year! 

All the best, 

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