Shorecrest School

JK Fairy Tea Party

Experiential School News

As part of a study of mythical creatures, Mrs. Rosas’ Junior Kindergarten class hosted family and friends at a fairy tea party on February 23.

The first role the students took on was that of chefs, to bring their desired menu to life. They baked cupcakes with Sam (Sophie’s mom) and baked cookies with Rochelle (Avery’s mom). The children also worked with Mrs. Hollenbeck to make a fresh loaf of bread and some pesto sauce using ingredients from the Experiential School garden. 

Next the Chargers prepped the outdoor classroom for guests. The children were encouraged to examine the space closely and pick up any broken toys or trash. Once they all agreed the outdoor classroom was clean, they imagined what the space could look like for a fairy tea party.

“This could be Dino World,” said Winston '36 (pointing at the area in front of the rock climbing wall). 

“We can make this the dance floor,” suggested Sophie S. '36 (pointing at the stage). 

“And next to it we can have Fairy World,” added Avery G. '36. 

Mrs. Beggins and Mrs. Rosas then inquired about the forts and tables. “Can we use the bike structure as forts and the block crates as tables?” they asked the children. They cheered in agreement! 

They gathered the outdoor furniture and decided it needed to be cleaned. “We are taking care of our environment,” mentioned Braden S. '36. 

The final step was making flower arrangements (a class favorite). The children chose their favorite flowers and added them to a small vase. “They are going to look so beautiful,” expressed Piper S. '36. 

The teachers observed the children collaborating to make the event a wonderful experience for their friends and family. "They put so much effort and thought into every detail. It filled our hearts with joy watching our class community gather together,” said Mrs. Rosas. 

The fairy tea party took place after school and included the delicious treats made by the children, games, cake, hot chocolate and - of course - tea.

A heartfelt thank you to those who helped make this event memorable by participating. A special thank you to Mrs. Hollenbeck, the class Parent Representatives (Rochelle and Sam), and SAGE Dining Services, who helped make this event a great success! 

Find more photos here.

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